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Labas, Keista kalbėtis su Tavim per kažkokią interneto svetainę ir dar kalbėtis su Tavimi dar labiau vyresniu... Įdomu, kaip tau sekas? Išsipildė svajonės? Ar mes dar bendraujam?...

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Happy birfy megan, i decided to write one of these to you too even though it doesnt really make sense for your birthday. basically im writing this on the 16th Nov on a website that will send you...

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Hey buddy, happy birthday! Hope you have a good one!

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Love of Mylife I love you with all that I am. I am amazed everyday I am with you how much you mean to my life and my happiness. Your level of understanding and your ability to manage my...

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Jūs Svajūnai Kazlauskai sveikina Jūs pats. Svajūnas Kazlauskas

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