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Dear Ricardo, Kind regards, I am writing you this email because I want to tell you about my dreams for the future. I want to be a doctor and have my own hospital. For this, I will have to study...

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OPEN THIS IN JUNE 18th 2021 Pao. Today is June 16th 2016 3:15am. First of all, you better be out of the house. Ok and start. You were suppose to be in ciudad Juarez getting ready...

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if i could only go back to those days.. i would

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(DO NOT FORET TO RECORD THIS!!) Dear future self, it's me your old 2016 past self.. so how's life? Are we doing YouTube? How's collage? Are we finished? Did we make it??!? (If yes then BOO...

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Labas :) Taigi, šiandien yra 2013 metų sausio 30 diena. Tikrai nežinau, ką parašyti, bet labai įdomu bus gauti laišką iš praeities :D taigi, baiginėju dvyliktą klasę,...

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