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I made this thank you note for u. Dear Bayu. Thank you for having me and staying with all my annoying things for the last 2 years. Thank you for stay healthy and keep your hard work in any kind...

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hi lets try kung legit talaga to hahaha. I'm worried kung marereceive ba talaga ngayong January nung taong sinulatan ko last 2018 yung letter ko hahahaha Juskoooo

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08/01/2012 Hey Mummy, So you'll probably be living on your own right now and you have twenty-something children. Hopefully, your arthritis hasn't made you too ill and that you're not actually...

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Labas,Mano Brangiosios ir vienas Brangusis, rašau Jums dar būdama studentė.Tik antrakursė.Vis bevargstanti su egzaminais.Dar nepadariusi karjieros ir nežinoma:) Stebitės?Aš irgi:) Kitaip...

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