Am Beliebtesten
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Здравствуй. С Днём Рождения. С юбилеем! Тебе уже 20 лет, с праздником!

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Кристиночка, привет тебе сейчас 15, а мне 11(( я хочу узнать как мы с Ваней будем, будем ли мы общаться? и когда я...

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Good Morning! It's your birthday... remember you ten years ago? I love Ryan so much, the way he smiles and his eye still with the shimmers of the innocence of a child... I hope you still love him...

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Hey Ellen! This is past you, from the end of your first quarter of college. How is everything going? I am not overly stressed for finals but I feel like I should be. I honestly believe that I...

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