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So, Thomas....how did the school year go?? Hopefully it went well and you're staying for the 7th grade...And pleaseee PLLEEASEE tell me you got kayla...cuz right now shes all im thinkin about....

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nicki minaj hasn't died yet.

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Hola Sara del futuro, soy yo, Carlos, quien te escribe del pasado. :) (16/12/21) Quise escribir esta carta para desearte el mejor viaje, un gran viaje al futuro a través de la vida desde lo...

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Dear Future Me, Happy 23rd birthday! As you probably still remember, the "past you" was writing this in a term when thinking seemed so difficult, cause you had never been at this situation in...

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Hello Nanda, I hope this message has found it’s way to you. It's been a year since you asked me to be yours. I hope we are still together until today, so we can celebrate our first...

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