Am Beliebtesten
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Helooo. Taip, Taip, čia tu. Klausyk. Jei nebus iš biologijos 8 pusmetyje, eik pasikart. I am serious. .D Now. Ką veiki? Vis dar forever alone? .D Nieko. Bus bernų. Beje, kaip pasaulio...

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Dear Angel; I know you're doing the best you can. I believe in you. Keep going! Always remember that I'm with you Just few miss-calls away

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Good Morning! It's your birthday... remember you ten years ago? I love Ryan so much, the way he smiles and his eye still with the shimmers of the innocence of a child... I hope you still love him...

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Привеееет!! Хорошо закончила школу???? Смогла сделать свою игру?? Может наконец то купила электрогитару?? Или...

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