Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Dear Felix, What's new about your life? Are you enjoy being who you are right now? Do you have a dream? Do you want to live for science and thought, or passion and love? Hope you would have...

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Hello Shyal, this is Shyal from one year ago. Hopefully we are still in college. As of right now, you are in your room on your computer in your general studies class and writing this letter as an...

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Rokai, Išaušo ta diena, kai galiu pats save nuoširdžiai pasveikinti su 25-uoju gimtadieniu! Rokai, tikiuosi visi tavo norai išsipildė, o kas neišsipildė, dar išsipildys. :) Rašau tau...

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привет:) надеюсь ты все еще самая большая фанатка тхт! я так люблю тхт, они буквально мое всё. именно они...

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Greetings I know that strong things are probably going to happen but I hope you have been able to cope as well as possible yes, take care my good friend after all, I am you from a year ago haha,...

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