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Friday, August 10, 2012 If this letter to the future thing worked right, tomorrow is your 26th birthday. For me it's 2:30 in the morning and I am a bit delusional and don't know what to do this...

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Dear Shawn I genuinely think you're an IDIOT!!!!! With Regards (not), Tendai 5/2/24

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'If not now then when?' Tikiuos teisingai naudoji šiuos žodžius iki dabar. Aš tuo nė neabejoju. Tikiu, jog būsi ten, kur nori būti ir tuo,kuo nori būti. Tavo praeities aš....

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Hey you... This is you from 9th December 2015. I have reached an important point in my life. Im about to be 25 years old, going to be engaged to the one you love (on 20 December 2015), about...

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Sveikas, rašiau šį laišką 2011 rugsėjo 11 d. dabar svajoju nusipirkti mašiną. Ar nusipirkau per savo gimtadienį? Deivis

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