Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
E ai cara, preparado para as férias? Hoje é dia 23 e espero que os OKR`s tenham sido cumpridos :) O que pode dar ruim? - Não levantar a mão quando algo está dando errado. - Demorar a reagir....

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2012-12-21, 21:27. Labas, čia nebus laiškas, kurio tikiesi.Tai tik priminimas. Patikrink savo el. paštą.

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Hey buddy, Hope all is well! I\'m writing to you so that you know where your life is at. Right now, I\'m stationed in San Diego. Attached to a helo command as a Second Class in the Avionics...

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Ciao troia. Buon compleanno puttana!!!!!! Ti prego, ricordati che tutto andrà bene. Tutto andrà bene.

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Dear mal, First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so old now lol. This letter is written by a 17 year old you. I hope that everything is ok.I hope that you are living you best life If you have a...

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