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Letzte Briefe
Mieloji, Aš Rašau 2011 metais,rugsėjo 23 dieną, penktadienį. Būdama 15 metų,pakankamai sveika ir minimaliai protinga. Kaip tau sekas? Turi naujus namus ir kambarį? Kokia spalva...

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Дорогая Екатерина, привет! Я рада, что ты получила это письмо. Значит, время прошло и у тебя случилось много...

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Hey Girl! Wazzup??? Siguro sa mga panahon na toh Happily married and a mother of 2 kids ka na. Financially secured ka na rin cguro kasi ngayon palang na 23 years old ka na ay marami ka ng...

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Dear Tyler Joy, First of all, happy birthday. You turn 20 this year. Unless you got us killed, that is. Try not to do that, alright? In case you've forgotten about this, I am writing this letter...

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Dear Diana, I am writing this letter from 2014. and I am sending this letter, by this time you would be 30 years old. the age you wanted us to meet I wanted to tell you, the first time we met...

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