Dear Axel
i hope you are fine
Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...
Hello Brendan, By the time you read this you should be about 24. So i should just tell you this. I forgot about this letter a llloooooooonnnnggggggg time ago. So a little about what's going on as...
My favorite food is all food. Favorite music is country. Favorite color is orange. Favorite place to go is to the cabin, shop at gander mountain or scheels. Favorite things to do is hunt, fish,...
Labas ,Guodele :)Patys didžiausi sveikinimai,Tau nuo taves tavo gimtadienio proga!!rašau Tau 2013.07.18. na ir žinai,šiandien tavo gyvenimas tobulas. Tu turi viską,apie ką kiti gali tik...
ciao Tommaso, vorrei sapere molte cose ad esempio sei ancora amico di matteo, ion, fillippo, au, fla e ari di cavallo. Pratichi ancora equitazione . ti ricordi messineo, bil , ilaria cioè il tuo...