Am Beliebtesten
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My favorite part of 6 grade was meeting new people because it's fun hanging out with them at school and out of school. My friends are aiden w , kammaree , darrien , aiden b , donnie. And I like...

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Hey me, Happy 26th birthday! Have you moved out? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Have you finally bought that computer you wanted? Or that phone? This is me, the 24 year old you...

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Dear Matt, Well, your finally 18 (or close to 18, depending on when you read this letter). What are you gonna do? And no. I don't mean what are you gonna do with the money you got. What are...

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Милая, на свой день рождения-одень корону или диадему. Ты будешь прекрасна! Люблю тебя! Алина 6 мая 2014 года...

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Pienso que eres una niña increible con una forma de ser increible, amo todo de ti y me alegra como has mejorado a pesar de que fue el año mas dificil para ti por todo lo que has pasado pero ha...

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