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Labas, Raminta! Čia aš, Raminta iš 2012-ųjų. Tikriausiai jau senai esu pamiršusi šį laišką. Dabar mano gyvenimas yra keistai geras! Draugauju su Arnu ir tuo labai džiaugiuosi. Myliu jį....

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My love I met one winter day She changed my life, forever I say She came down those steps and gazed around Only to see a goof with a ceiling crown Our eyes they met from across the way Who...

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Jee, gavau laišką iš ateities :D

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I hope you've stepped beyond mediocrity. Can you swim the 50m free under 35s? Push yourself, & go for under 30. How were your GCSEs? You should get your results soon, right. I'm expecting an A+...

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Hi Sneha, This is Naimisha. Hope you still remember me. Right now for me, it's May 28,2015. You are probably back from the Catalina trip in 8th grade right now. Anyway, I will be seeing you...

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