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Dear FutureMe, On this day you got a call from a BPO company saying that you will have your exam tomorrow. Its not the kind of job you want at this moment since you are expecting to work in a...

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Labas, Sūnau, rašau tau vėlų vakarą (tu ir sesė turbūt jau miegat). Noriu, kad žinotum - labai, labai tave myliu ir visada mylėsiu, kad ir kas benutiktų, kad ir kaip bepasielgtum. Aš...

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ciao Tommaso, vorrei sapere molte cose ad esempio sei ancora amico di matteo, ion, fillippo, au, fla e ari di cavallo. Pratichi ancora equitazione . ti ricordi messineo, bil , ilaria cioè il tuo...

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Jokūbai, sveikinu Tave 16 gimtadienio proga! mama p.s. myliu tave per visą kosmosą ir atgal :)) p.p.s. nelysk prie mano macbooko ir eik ruošti pamokas :))

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Hey you, me? At the time of writing this “we’re” 16, and right now it’s 3am, the Saturday after starting college. I bet you’ll still remember how horrible the first day was, but by the...

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