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Jingle all the way. How may Christmasses has it been now...? and how many since you've really been yourself? Make that answer '0' please. Keep warm. Hot drinks, woolies, winter-y (but not...

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Anh của em, Lại thêm một bức thư em gửi Nhật mà chẳng biết anh có đọc hay ko :)). Khi anh nhận được bức thư này thì mình cũng đã xa nhau một khoảng...

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Feliz Cumple Anos Elodia!!! :) Nomas te quieria dicir que eres la mas hermosa person en el mundo, nadien te pela :P jaja sigue siendo hermosa y no dejes que te hagan de nojar

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Dear Pookie, Its actually a year prior to you reading this. I just wanted to let you know that you look beautiful. You always do! I LOVE YOU! Bookie

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Albert, this is you from 2021, you're currently sitting in Mr. Beltran's class as the only physical kid, at the moment. Hopefully this reaches you as you're celebrating your cumpleano, tell Mam and...

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