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Dear Future Me, I'm sending this on 2020-june-06 12.10Pm .so in 5 years i have alot of expectations from you.first of all i hope you kept on the FIRE Path,if you did you should be half way there,...

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Labas, Mama, rašau tau iš praeities :)Šiandien yra 2012 metų rugpjūčio 22 diena. Už mūsų biuro lango šviečia saulutė. Noriu tave į ateitį pasveikinti su Motinos diena :) Labai tave...

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Hello there self !! I'm estimating by now, you're in college. Which is kinda crazy, because right now, I don't even have a solid plan for that but I'm hoping and PRAYING that you do. I'm hoping...

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Labas, Rašau tau saulėtą 2012 05 06 Dabar gegužė, motinos diena. Šiandien atvažiuo1a Agnė, kepsim šašlykus Greitai vasarą, būsiu aštuntokė. Padarysiu, kad šį laišką, man...

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Hey Chevi!!! So How are you ? Excited Nervous Whatever it is Tommorow is the day The big day Its your exam Or may be day after tomorrow I wrote this 2 months back so I am unaware....

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