Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
From lycée sud médoc To myself Hello ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! My name is Noémie...

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Hi,if u didn't get the chance to receive this letter then that only means that u finally did it. But if you're still alive, happy birthday (not like anyone would care), how are you? Are you still...

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svaika austeja miela bendor van gogh tikiuosi man sekasi gerai. idomu ak gavau dovanu. ai px. ar ema su martynu dar pora? ji islydejo ji i oro uosta? ar viskas gerai? ant kiek mano sesuo girat...

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Albert, this is you from 2021, you're currently sitting in Mr. Beltran's class as the only physical kid, at the moment. Hopefully this reaches you as you're celebrating your cumpleano, tell Mam and...

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