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Hey. I'm currently playing the song "The Reason" by Hoobastank. I know what you've been through for the past 5 years. Dealing with all your insecurities,flaws,imperfections but this song speaks to...

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Sveikas. Aš pydaras

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Hi baby girl, This is your past self on the 12.06.16 sending you an email. So currently; you are living across from harbour town on the Gold Coast, you've been working at Sheridan since feburary,...

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Dear Olivia (رؤية), The last 10 days of Ramadan are coming soon. It\'s August 1st now, 2:32 a.m. on a Tuesday, you know how I always have trouble going to bed on time (It\'s something you...

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So here i am at 9pm writing this letter kasi my papi na jowa got sad na yung letter awhile ago na i sent for him will be received next year pa. To start with this, let me tell u some thought...

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