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Hi buddy, By the time you are reading this I assume you're already 22. You made it! Just want to remind you of how strong you've become during those trying times. I know 2020 had been rough...

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Dear Dovi, How's life going? Do you have the exact future that you've been expecting 10 years ago?. If not, it's not too late to live your life to the fullest, you're only 26 and there are...

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Dear son, I am writing this letter to thank God because you are part of my life. When you were born I became a happier person. God is being good to me. When I look to the past, I feel really...

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Labas, tikiuosi tu vis dar dirbi... Ir labai tikiuosi, kad pakeitei savo elgesį, nes tai yra visiškai nesuprantamas dalykas. Šiandiena diena yra pati baisiausia dėl kolių skaičiaus.... kas...

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Hey Jared, it’s Jared, though I’m much younger than you at the time of writing this. 10 years younger actually, so how have you been? You still making sure to be happy everyday? I know it gets...

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