Am Beliebtesten
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Labas, Aušra, šiandien rugsėjo 21 d. Tu nori miego - kaip ir visada, šiandien bibliotekoje praleidai apie 5 val skirdama kursiniui rašti labai tikiuosi kad tai pasiteisins, ai ir šiandien...

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I guess it's a new year for you. How's the world doing? Is it still a train wreck? You said you'd figure out what you wanted to do by now. How'd that turn out? I hope you found something and that...

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Hi, it's Brandon, writing on December 10th, 2011, reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My...

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Hi, I would have quit smoking by now!

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They say no response is a response but having no response from you hurts like hell

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