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Labas Evelina, Nežinau ar gausi šitą laišką, bet kaip tavo geriausia (tikiuosi) drauge noriu pasakyt. YOU ARE NIGGER. :D Ir krč myliux. :* pasiilgauuuu. :d tikiuosi patiks kai gausi ir bus...

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Ar tai jau atėjo...? Ar pajutai...? Kodėl taip, o ne kitaip...? Tai juk taip nuostabu...! Kas aš...? Kas mes...? Prisimink viską kas yra geriausia, neužmiršk, nepalik, nepabėk......

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سلام. صرفا جهت اطمینان این نامه رو لیلا فقط بخونه

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Marte, how are you? I hope everything is fine! Well, it\'s Marco talking from the past so don\'t be scared! I know this sounds weird but yeah, I\'m talking with you, right now. I hope we...

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Martin Jesus Espana Sandoval Villasenor Munoz VIII, By now you are old enough to assume command of the council of michoacan. The other ten families will put up a fight against you at first but...

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