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Dear FutureMe, How are you? How's your life? Have you found your passion, your strength, a hobby that you love? I believe that you're now. What are you doing now? I mean what's your job...

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Sveika Gerda, kiek metų prabėgo.. Dabar sėdžiu savo tėvų namuose ir rašau tau šį laišką ir ištikrųjų nežinau, ką noriu tau pasakyti. Man begalo įdomu, kokia tu esi dabar, ko...

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Labas Erika, Kaip gyveni? Aš gerai ;D Padaryk šią savaitę šiuos penkis darbus: 1. Išsitaškyk klube. 2. Suvalgyk kilogramą ledų. 3. Pasakyk Myliu mamai. 4. Apkabink drauges. 5....

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dear myself you are about to make a huge step. you are going to take the eog. the biggest test in middle school. here's some to remember about your class Brandon- is a idiot along with his...

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Hi Yingying! This is yourself from November of 2012. I'm currently still in Hong Kong on exchange and enjoying life. The future is still so uncertain for me right now. I'm constantly worrying...

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