Hey Cass,
How are you going? Very well, I hope.
This letter will be sent a month after writing it (ie, January 9, 2012). If it arrives at that time, Happy 21st!! =)
2012 should be your...
خب سلام خودوم
کاکا من یکی دیگم برا چهار پنج سال دیه نوشتم گفتم بزار یکی دیگه هم بنویسم:)
من لم دادم روی مبل...
Ech, Was forced to Make another one of these, SO, I guess I'll just Put random shiz here. Holly, Gabe, and Sela are all bein Butz still, And Everything at the House is... Alright... I guess......
Hey Ibrahim form the future,
This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...
tikiuosi išsipildė visos tavo svajonės ir ateities norai.
Dabar man yra 14 metų (spalį bus 15). Šiuo metu mano galvoje krūva įvairiausių idėjų ir nežinau kur jas...