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Dear FutureMe, A year has passed since i wrote this letter. Hope you have good grades, a girlfriend, friends, money and parents. Did i change? How\\\'s clash of clans going ( if im still...

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Через 38 дней у мена в твоих друзьях будет 1488 дней не в сети

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Labas man! Sveikinu tave 18 gimtadienio proga, tikiuosi užaugai rimta ir protinga mergina. Taip pat, tikiuosi, jog jau esi modelis ir skautuose tau niekas kaklaraiščio nenurišo :) Galbūt,...

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Yo future mama, You were a teacher and learning ukelele when I was writing this thing. I wonder how well you now know to play xD Hit me up if we ever played futsal again. if we didn't then...

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Hi future self, I am you, writing from the year 2020. Right now we are in quarantine because of covid 19 so we have to stay home so i missed basically a quarter of freshman year. Also, right now...

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