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Hello future me! Right now I am sitting in uni researching for my 49 project, looking at time capsules and things that can be put in them. Wonder what you are doing now, how you are finding your...

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Привет, это ты только из 2024 года. Я надеюсь ты уже связала ту кофту которую хотела и сейчас вяжешь всякое. Я...

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Hey Jared, it’s Jared, though I’m much younger than you at the time of writing this. 10 years younger actually, so how have you been? You still making sure to be happy everyday? I know it gets...

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Ciao Gloria del futuro, ti scrivo dal passato, precisamente l’8 dicembre 2020. come vanno le cose? spero bene e sono curiosa di sapere cosa mi riserva il futuro, ma non è ancora il momento...

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Labas mama! Čia aš - Karolina. Kai rašau man trylika, o tavo realybėje man jau aštuoniolika. Esu pilnametė, turbūt sukėliau daug galvos skausmo kai man buvo 14-16 metų. Bet tikiuosi tu...

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