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Dear You, I'am praying for you tonight. I may not know your entire name or where you exactly been living, or where you are in this very moment and how are you now. But poppa god does..& he...

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Joining FYP and being able to be a part of a special group of orientation leaders makes it difficult to stand out/set me apart from the rest. By the end of this, I want to feel as if I completed...

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dear joe collins in 2021 i hope you still ran that bar you dream about i'll give you some info for your bar Business plan: > bar tending > party's / wedding's / BBQ's / graduations >...

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Dear Jacob, Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...

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wfijefijedifjerwijgijgierjgfierjijfderigh8rhfjdsdk kkkkss.s.adke3rfk,dslfueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehfyyye ww

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