Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Hey me, Happy 26th birthday! Have you moved out? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Have you finally bought that computer you wanted? Or that phone? This is me, the 24 year old you...

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You are almost 20!good for me.hopefully life has been good to you.please work at freddyfazebear`s pizza if it is there.You will probably be attacked by the animatronics they will come to life...

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Sveikinu su gimtadieniu!!! Linkiu daug dovanų, daug laimės, džiaugsmo ir sveikatos! Pasižadu taupyt pinigus, o ne praleist viską maisto parduotuvėse... Klausyt tėvų ir būt stipresnei (o ne...

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Dear FutureMe, And as usual I just said "Shut Up" to smita. It is 00:08 and yet another day has passed leaving a day less for all of us to be together. Though it never mattered in the beginning...

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Sveika,Rugile!Tau rašo tavo geriausia draugė Urtė,o šį laišką tu gausi tik po 8 metų.Atrodo toks ilgas laiko tarpas laukia,juk kai tu gausi šį laišką,tau jau bus 25 metai!Dabar net...

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