Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Cecilia, It's Cecilia! You!Me? Us? (hmmm, weird...) . Well, if you recall correctly, Mr.Man gave you an assignment to write a letter to your future self, which would be you. I hope everything is...

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Happy birthday E! In case you decided not to be happy about it, I want to remind you even though you've always been unhappy whenever your birthday comes, still, there are people who would love to...

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Oi Pedro! sou você, de mais ou menos 1 ano atrás. Vim aqui falar um pouquinho sobre amor próprio. Quanto você se ama? você ao menos sabe o que é isso? Não? talvez isso explique porque você...

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Dear Future Me, I'm sending this on 2020-june-06 12.10Pm .so in 5 years i have alot of expectations from you.first of all i hope you kept on the FIRE Path,if you did you should be half way there,...

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