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What does success mean? To me success is accomplishing your dream and being happy with your life. My one major goal in highschool is to get a Division 1 scholarship for football. My future...

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Dear M. Hello, you remember me I hope. I have known you ever so long, and I'd like to remind you of a few things. Firstly, you are very loved, you are loved more than you realise and you...

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Hey there Ashton, your 14 year old past self here, remember me? Happy birthday my mans, I hope you are doing alright, maybe better than now, I wonder what its like being 24. I haven't set any...

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Dear FutureMe, Hi hope you are in good health and now finally weigh 60 kgs. i know you wont even remember writing this. for your information you wrote this mail sitting in your statistics class...

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