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Labas, Narkotikai. Gal nutuoki kas čia rašo? Na žinai, visas įdomumas tame, kad rašau šį laišką 2012 metais, rugsėjo keturioliktą, 15:18. Tokiu laiku tu buvai 12-oj klasėj ir......

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Hello it is you 18 years old =))))

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Hey Vegas, it's your 18th birthday!!! I'm 13 currently and I want 3 things for you to remember when you move on form the rest of the world. 1. Remember Michael? Well I hope you still do. He, he...

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Happy New Year, Hi how are you? It's been 4months I guess I just wanna let you know that I love you and I miss you, I'm not sure if you could still read this but I don't care, I just wanted you...

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Good Morning Yan! Happy Birthday Incase no one greeted you. I miss you na babe hehez trip ko lng tawagin babe sarili ko. Nothing wrong nmn since I love myself. I love you so much babe, bka nmn may...

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