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Dear old old old old Kassidy, so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...

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Hello there self !! I'm estimating by now, you're in college. Which is kinda crazy, because right now, I don't even have a solid plan for that but I'm hoping and PRAYING that you do. I'm hoping...

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Labas, Justele. Šį laišką pati sau parašei 2011.09.21 dieną, lygiai 22 valandą. Noriu tave pasveikinti su artėjančiu mokyklos baigimu ir tikiuosi, kad gerai išlaikysi egzaminus ir...

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ANG SAKET NG 2ND DOSE KOOO huhuhuhuhu at least pfizer hehe..

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