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Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...

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Dear Jordan, umh I honestly don't know what to say. As of now you have been through a heartbreak.. your first. Your living with your best friend because you don't have a home and through...

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Sveikas, Rašau šį laišką per paskutiniuosius mokslo metus gimnazijoje. Žinau, kad šitie metai bus sunkiausi, jie gali nulemti mano ateitį ir tiesą pasakius aš jos neisivaizduoju tai...

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Hi lazy girl How is ur assignment going? How is ur study going? Good luck to all exams u face now!

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