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Dear Future Estelle If you are reading this you have passed the tests past me has set for you. When you are reading this you will be 13-14. I have found that there are things.....creatures...

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Хей, привет, Андрей! На момент, когда я отправлю, мне скоро 15. Ты получишь его где-то в 25 году, если доживешь,...

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Mummy wants yellow rose as a birthday gift

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Hey Ibrahim form the future, This is me from 2020. Pandemic is going on. I am well. Hope you are alive. You should receive this letter on your 23rd birthday. You must have finished your college by...

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Hey Emily it's you from the past. 0-0 Anyway, today is May 21,2015. I am currently in English with Mr.Mackie. Caitlin is on the right and then there's Shelby on the left. :) I keep thinking how...

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