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Dear Future Me, I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face... 15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...

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Hey Joel what's up? Well let's see where do I start... Well Let me start off by saying this,Congratulation's on getting your GED,I'm so happy for you.This is but ONE step closer to your dream but...

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Sveikas Vytautai, Siunčiu šį laišką į ateitį, nes noriu paklaust kaip gyveni, kaip sekas ir noriu palinketi laimes sveikatos ir džiaugsmo! Netolimos praeities Tu. 2011-10-19...

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Sri pitchapati r u still swag? Sri Pitchapati she/her/hers

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