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To Me This is kinda awkward ngl... Im not doing so well at the moment (what's new i know :-)) so just wanted to check in and hear from you. Happy Birthday btw! As I sit here between the...

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Николай Легенда в 2021. помните это в далеком 2030

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Dear Felix, What's new about your life? Are you enjoy being who you are right now? Do you have a dream? Do you want to live for science and thought, or passion and love? Hope you would have...

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dear future self. This is really cool and look back at this moment and remember you need to do better and be happy with your life.

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Labas, Rašau is 2012 m. gegužės 15 dienos. Vidurnaktis. Sėdžiu apsikrovus lapais: ant stalo, žemės, grindų. Tiek mažai naktų ir dienų liko, o tiek daug perskaityti reikia. Taip,...

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