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You need to stop your fucking self, G. You know it ain't good. Stop, just stop.

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Hi Jonah, Today is March 9, 2014, in your home, at 5am in the morning: At exactly 5 years you will get this letter...hopefully there will be changes...maybe...just maybe... Yesterday,...

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Hey future me What's your favorite part of sixth grade? My favorite part of 6th grade right now is my friends. My friends are lily, kaleigh, katie, nex, zai, ailyn, annali and a few more. My...

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Привет! Ну как ты там в будущем? Настали ли тяжелые времена? Начались ли великие потрясения? Жив ли ты? Если...

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Dear future Sarah, 12/6/18 Hi future Sarah! I could lie and say I love you but tbh I'm pretty contempt with hating myself at the moment. lol. I've been writing myself a lot of letters to...

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