Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Ciao christian del futuro come stai spero bene ,e finita la maledetta quarantena,che hai fatto in estate spero ti sia divertito,hai avuto il telefono nuovo,Antonio con elena?hai completato la lista...

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Dear Me. :) - When you receive this letter you should be past your 21st birthday, you will have competed in many stick fights (hopefully no more broken bones), you will have done the dreaded senior...

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Miela ateities aš :) Kur tu dabar? Ar tu jau vedus? Ar tu turi vaikų? Ar energetinis vis dar yra tavo mėgstamiausias gėrimas? Ar baigei universitetą? Kur tu dabar gyveni? Ar kada nors...

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Greetings I know that strong things are probably going to happen but I hope you have been able to cope as well as possible yes, take care my good friend after all, I am you from a year ago haha,...

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Dear future me, Hello future Max this is past Max but you probably know that. Life is good where I hope we have that new computer along with a lot of things. First of all I have a lot of...

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