Am Beliebtesten
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Ciao troia. Buon compleanno puttana!!!!!! Ti prego, ricordati che tutto andrà bene. Tutto andrà bene.

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Hey there! It's your birthday! I got lego, puzzles,shoes,basketball ball for my birthday! We played hide and seek. How is year four going? What is you're highest mark? Too: Mitya Losev...

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Hi Swetha, I really hope you still remember me. You're graduating right? Oh by the way, I'm Naimisha. Your best friend who graduated last year well in 2017 not 2014. I'm writing a letter and right...

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Dear FutureMe, On this day you got a call from a BPO company saying that you will have your exam tomorrow. Its not the kind of job you want at this moment since you are expecting to work in a...

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Dear future Ron, I am writing you this letter because despite this depression, I have hope. I have hope that things will get better, and I have hope that you are an overall better person than I...

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