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Happy Birthday (If this is on time) Hope HighSchool Has been a great experience. Good for your dreams! ¡Espero que estás como perfecto con su español! Es muy importante a mi....

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Hello Karlei, oh wait i am Karlei! anyway i am sitting at marks basement with me momma and Mark and i just happened to run across this on Stumble Uponn lol... well im just gonna tell my self happy...

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Hey Mo. So you should be graduation high school today or around today. This is the 8th grade you if you didn't remember. I hope you're still reading. Are you still playing guitar, piano or still...

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Labas! Sunku suvokti, kad jau baigiasi birželis ir mus išskėstomis rankomis pasitinka liepa. Visą mėnesį išmėčiau nereikalingiems drybsojimams prie tv, pc, miegojimui, valgymui,...

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It's okay self... you can make it.. God is with you and does not leave you or even close His eyes on you. He knows that you are going thru what you are going thru right now.... Be at peace self,...

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