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Привет! ето я из прошлого сейчас мне 11 лет я жыву в Германние иза путлера сейчас мой рост 1.38 дата етого...

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Hey me in the future, are you still friends with Emily, Jamie, Sophie, Riley, Nico, Jake, Georgia, Keely, Ryan and Dominic? Are you still obsessed with One Direction, N-Dubz, Little Mix, Cher...

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I hope you've stepped beyond mediocrity. Can you swim the 50m free under 35s? Push yourself, & go for under 30. How were your GCSEs? You should get your results soon, right. I'm expecting an A+...

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Dear Jacob, Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...

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Dear FutureMe, YOU ARE TWO-ZERO! TWENTY! WOW! Now. You need to hangouts chat Isaac Perkins, (his email is dragonboyinafire@gmail.com. Remind him that at 20 you were gonna buy Twenty One Pilots...

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