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Hello there; If you didn't automatically think "General Kenobi", I am very disappointed in you. When you get this letter, you're gonna be 18! You should know things like this!! Anyways, I'm...

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Joe. It's your past self. Actually, it's you at 32 years old. How are you? If you don't recall, you sent yourself an email off a website you stumbled. How is the future? Are you still...

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ciao marco. qui è il 2013 e si scommette sulle rinnovabili. magari lì hanno scoperto la fusione fredda ;-) che fine ha fatto la palazzoli? l\'ha comprata abb? e l\'urban center che fa tanto...

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Привет Я из будущего! Пишу тебе письмо 06.01.2024. в 22:16. Я думаю ты не помнишь как писала это письмо. Надеюсь война...

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Hi there! It’s me! Wait- no it’s you? Anyways, how are you doing? Hopefully you’re doing good, I hope you guys aren’t in quarantine still. Do you have a car yet? I hope you do, the s14 is...

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