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dear ella, BUT FROM THE PAST Ok. Hello. This is Freshman Ella. It is September third and i am already done with high school. Ok actually i am not. It is super fun so far. Like all of the...

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Labas Migle,čia rašo ta pati Miglė,tik 5 metais jaunesnė. Šiuo metu studijuoju viešajį administravimą,tikiuosi po 5 metų jau būsiu baigusi bakalaurą. Vis dar gyvenu su tevais. Dabar...

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Dear, Myself I want to be a McDonald's All-American have a couple of scolorships and be the star Point Guard for the Forest Hills Yellow Jackets. BRANDON be good to MaKayla she is beautiful and...

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dear future self. This is really cool and look back at this moment and remember you need to do better and be happy with your life.

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Привет Я из будущего! Пишу тебе письмо 06.01.2024. в 22:16. Я думаю ты не помнишь как писала это письмо. Надеюсь война...

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