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ciao marco. qui è il 2013 e si scommette sulle rinnovabili. magari lì hanno scoperto la fusione fredda ;-) che fine ha fatto la palazzoli? l\'ha comprata abb? e l\'urban center che fa tanto...

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Sveikas,pats sau pasirašei šį laiška vaikine :D o gal sakyti vyre jau? :D kaip bebūtų,dabar yra 2012 balandžio 22 diena,lengvos pagirios po pusbrolio bernvakario ir visa diena praleista...

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Dear future me in 1 year, I think you will recall all too well the feelings, emotions and aspirations you are reading on this letter as only a year has gone by since. Never the less, I hope that...

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Rasa. siandien valgiau kotleta. P.s laisku rasyt nemoku. P.s.s myliu tave.

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