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My beloved me; It's me!Oh ...I mean,it's you. I'm your "you" from 10 year in the past,yeah...10 years!!!!You're 25 now, it's awesome!!!Maybe you don't remember me? Well I'm 15 years old, I'm in...

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hello, how r u...this is aman sen. this is written to test the site(letter 2 future) u must have to try this...let c is this is a joke or truth...so...dekhte hai. by...13/6/96

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Sveiki Tėveliai, Jei gavot šį laišką, tai reiškias laiškas į ateitį puikiai suveikė. Taip taip taip aš rašau būtent iš praeities. Nesi jaudinkit, su laiko mašina į praeitį...

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Dear Ate Kym, Hii ateeee first of all Happy Birthday!! I wish you the best and happiness that you deserve!! How are you? What strand did you pick in SHC,is it hard? Anong kurso ang kinuha...

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Hey babe I Love you so very much! I hope you are having a great day

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