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AEjHL4MT51xr6OPC4eQQwlpNT138PabrXwejBTgJ9hYjeIAcul JKMYbM2bQFJnU

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Dear Brittany, I’m writing a letter to myself to remember how I acted when I was in 10th grade. You are now a senior and about to graduate. My biggest fear is losing the one I love. I hope...

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Sveika, šeimyna :) Kaip gyvenat? Kaip laikotės? Rašau aš, Agnė iš praeities :) šiandien 2011.11.02 13:12. Siunčiu linkėjimus į ateitį. Visada norėjau Jums padėkoti, kad mane...

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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