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Когда-то я была скептиком и особо не верила мечтам. Пока одна из них не сбылась не ожиданно для меня. Теперь...

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Dear Future me, I am currently typing this while playing Stick Ninja Academy in English Class. I just got done with SEVEN projects and feel good except I have to wake up early every morning....

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Ricordati di disattivare abbonamento a Repubblica, primo anno 12 euro, ma il secondo è 99 euro. Magari ti faranno un'altra offerta, ma per ora è 99, disattiva qualche giorno prima. Occorrerà...

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Hi 23 year old Kasey in 2017, It's 18 year old Kasey from 2012. That's right...today is the day you wanted to read this letter. Kinda hoping it's more fun to read this than it is discouraging....

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Hi! I am sorry if life is still hard because of hair, though I expect it( hair) to be much better now. Got your mind on studies? I will make sure you are studying Computer Science at IIT...

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