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Dear Axel i hope you are fine Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...

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dear ella, BUT FROM THE PAST Ok. Hello. This is Freshman Ella. It is September third and i am already done with high school. Ok actually i am not. It is super fun so far. Like all of the...

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Hey girl how ru? do u still use hih if no USE IT MISS QUINN GIRL! do u like physics? IF NO LIKE IT! do u like urself? do u hav a bf? what's new? OH N HAPPPYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

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Hola mi ailu hermosa, espero que cuando te llegue esto: 1. no sigamos en cuarentena por la pandemia. 2. sigamos siendo las amigas inseparables que somos. Feliz año nuevo mi amor. Espero...

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Dear, Myself I want to be a McDonald's All-American have a couple of scolorships and be the star Point Guard for the Forest Hills Yellow Jackets. BRANDON be good to MaKayla she is beautiful and...

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