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Dear Future, Hi, How are you? Well its your birthday, Happy birthday future. I hope you have job now. Do you remember the period when you had no job and you rejected the job offer of...

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Auguri di buon Natale grande me. Tutto procede bene piuomeno, la cosa peggiore è l'ansia perché non ho "passato" il SAT quindi devo rifarlo ma ho anche preso 29/90 ad una simulazione di medicina...

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dear future me, happy eighteenth. ***** before you read this, play "abandon window" by jon hopkins. (also props to damon dominique for inspiring me to do this.) i'm writing this on...

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August 26,2015 Dear Brittany Your doing better don’t fuck up or your p.o gonna be on your ass and put a damn bracelet on you and track you every...

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