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Dear future self, Right now it is 5/26/2022 at 9:43 am and I am in social psychology- the last class of the last day of junior year. Right now my favorite music is Deftones, $uicideboy$, and...

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Labas Migle,čia rašo ta pati Miglė,tik 5 metais jaunesnė. Šiuo metu studijuoju viešajį administravimą,tikiuosi po 5 metų jau būsiu baigusi bakalaurą. Vis dar gyvenu su tevais. Dabar...

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This letter will reach you by 2026. Why I chose this date? This is where I (past you) wanted to be married and maybe be planning for children. Today (your past) is your birthday, May 1st, 2017 and...

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Mielas sūneli, Tau dabar 1-eri metukai, o kai skaitysi šį laišką turėsi jų dešimt! Noriu, kad žinotum, kokia laiminga esu, nes tave turiu. Tu esi mano didžiausias džiaugsmas, tu esi...

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Happy birthday E! In case you decided not to be happy about it, I want to remind you even though you've always been unhappy whenever your birthday comes, still, there are people who would love to...

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