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Happy birthday !!! fitri yang ke 23th Miss me? Sorry lah Aq bosan waktu corona ni aku nak keluar pon xleh baik buat letter utk aq in the future biar die sedar sikit So aq rasalah kaw dh grad...

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dear myself you are about to make a huge step. you are going to take the eog. the biggest test in middle school. here's some to remember about your class Brandon- is a idiot along with his...

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привет, это я Вася из 2021 года, надеюсь тебе придет это письмо через 5 лет, я закопал капсулу времени (на самом...

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Hey Ed, Its Ed! Today you dug the bushes from the garden, there should be a nice fence there by now. This letter will probably be a little bit of a shock, so here are my predictions for what the...

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I$$hTvn6BHd4nsiy wattpad PPWD ok bye

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